Loyola College, Chennai
12:00 am, Feb 21, 2019
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Keynote speaker in Entrepreneurship development program in Loyola college, Chennai.
Loyola College, a Catholic Minority Institution, was founded by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) in 1925, with the primary objective of providing University Education in a Christian atmosphere for deserving students irrespective of caste and creed.
It started functioning in July 1925 with just 75 students on the rolls in three undergraduate courses of Mathematics, History and Economics.
Loyola College, though affiliated to University of Madras, became autonomous in July 1978. It is autonomous, in the sense that it is empowered to frame its own course of studies and adopt innovative methods of teaching and evaluation. The University degrees will be conferred on the students passing the examinations conducted by the college.
UGC conferred the status of “College with potential for Excellence” on Loyola College in 2004 and confirmed the same in 2010.
NCAA’s re-accreditation score in 2012 (Third Cycle) is 3.70 out of 4.00 CGPA.
UGC has elevated Loyola College to the status of “College of Excellence” for the period from April 1, 2014 till March 31, 2019.
Today, there are 19 P.G courses and 19 U.G courses (Arts, Sciences and Commerce) and 12 special Institutes offering various programs to 12,107 students. 11 departments are offering M.Phil. programs and 12 departments offer Ph.D. programs. At present, 117 teaching staff members out of 286 hold doctoral degree. There are 182 non-teaching staff in service.
The College aims at training young men and women of quality to be leaders in all walks of life, whom we hope will play a vital role in bringing about the desired changes for the betterment of the people of our country, more particularly of the Dalits and other poorer sections of society.
The aim of the college is to educate young men and women to serve their fellow men and women in justice, truth and love. It fosters an atmosphere of intellectual vigor and moral rectitude in which the youth of our country may find their fulfilment and achieve greatness as eminent men and women of service.
Loyola College looks at education differently. It consistently and constantly works to form the students as Competent, Committed, Creative and Compassionate men and women for and with others. This is the core of Jesuit Education. This is what has made Loyola climb to the top league of colleges in India.
India Today magazine has repeatedly ranked the Arts, Commerce and Science departments of Loyola College amongst the top 3 in India from 2006 to 2013. Loyola College is also awarded “the Best Men’s College in the City on the Employability skills” by PR Syndicate.
The re-structuring of curriculum of both for UG and PG courses has drawn great appreciation from the stakeholders, namely the students, alumni, parents and industrial partners. Foundation courses and the Outreach programs in Loyola make a difference in the lives of the students forming them socially conscious and responsible citizens of the country.
The system of periodical teacher-evaluation done by the students has also been welcomed. Parents -Teachers meetings are regularly organized in Loyola, which ensure periodical monitoring of the progress of students.
• The central library has a collection of more than 1,02,000 books, 225 journals, 8,087 e-journals and 48,146 e-books.
• The Loyola Digital Library provides 24 hours access to the students.
• Loyola Men’s Hostel and Loyola Women’s Hostel together have 836 rooms and can accommodate 1650 students.
• Prayer Room
• Loyola Health Centre
• Food Court
• Wi-Fi
• Recreational Center
• Sports Pavilion and Gymnasium